

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rock garden

Rock garden is a closed terrarium.This was created to show the beauty of a wild rocky terrain with a water flowing through it. i made this terrarium with the students of Horizon academy ,nashik and  after explaining to them the working of nature and way it rains in nature , the children developed it further with their science teachers.This model was recently exhibited at a science competition by the children and they explained the ecosys to the visitors. This exhibit won them the 2nd prize in the competition.these terrariums are self sustaining and need very little maintenance.


This is my first open terrarium which depicts a small hillock with a jade tree and a small shack.Overlooking a rocky terrain.A couple have been put on a swing enjoying the pleasant atmosphere.A lot a greenery is being planted and will look more green as the plants grow.The terrarium has been positioned in a French window where it will receive maximum sunlight. 

Nasik terrarium

We could teach ecosystem to children trough this medium i have landscaped a forest,a damn,a farm with farm house,a terrace farm,a hill,a restaurant on the hill ...and since this landscape is in the glass case there is transparency in observing this situation.And one can also understand geology through the glass case.To make it to more live I have put some farmers ploughing the field,some farm animals like cow horse,etc.A Shepard on the slope of the hill with his dog , sheep and goats.A cheetah and deer in the forest area.A trekker climbing up the hill.
This project was aired by IBM lokmat ,a Network18 channel in Marathi on the 26th of Jan 2010 under the subject sharing my knowledge with children.