

Saturday, February 12, 2011

rural delight

this is an open terrarium landscaped in a round pot of 21/2' diameter. it has a river with a hilly forest on one side and a open tableland on the other for grazing animals or any sort of village setting , a small house with a thatched roof used by nomads is on one side with a few plants around it. the central part can be a farm or grazing land for sheep , cows etc. small toys in shapes of sheep,cows ,shepherd,dog etc will give it a good effect and i shall be placing these items very soon for a live effect.

spiral garden

this is an open terrarium made in a pot 2'x1'. it is a garden having a lawn and with a spiral plant in the center.it is a good piece to keep at home and needs very less maintenance.people who love greenery and have less space can make such landscapes and enjoy gardening in small spaces and be creative in designing.

four bamboos

this is an open terrarium made in a pot of 2'x1'. it is a landscaped lawn with four bamboo plants in the four corners.every person does not have a plot or own a house to have landscaped gardens. they can fulfill their wish by creating miniatures and maintain them inside their rooms or terrace.it is very simple to make and maintain.

farm house

this is a open terrarium landscape made in a pot 2'x1'. it is the dream house for the urban citizen who wish to be associated with nature and want to be away from the humdrum and crowded city life.the farm house has a green lawn bordered with plants ,a well 'a pathway and a few plants. even though the urban man wants a change from his concrete jungle he still wants a manicured garden and ambience with comfort in his rural setting.anyway it adds to the worlds greenery so be it.

song of India

this is a open terrarium made in a pot 2'x1'. the centre of a landscaped terrain is the song of India plant. a lot of coloured stones and small plants are added to give a natural looking green landscaped area.this is how the countryside is in our India and i hope it stays that way.

bottled beauty

this is the most common method of making terrariums and also the most difficult.a glass bottle with a small neck is used for setting a landscaped garden . the process is explained by any book on terrarium and gardening but mastering the art is a difficult process and so is getting such bottles.this bottle was gifted to me by a childrens summer camp where i went to teach them in 2009. i set the plants using a fork tied to a skewer but generally equipments to make these terrariums are available in the west.these terrariums hardly need any maintenance for years together as the plants do not grow too much but yet continue living very fresh in this unpolluted atmosphere. since i did not have conventional lid or cork to seal the bottle airtight i have used a small plastic jar which was perfect. ihave also put a small plant in this jar to give an additional good look to the piece.

chamba valley

on a recent trip to himachal i was awed by a ride through chamba range where the view was outstanding and this made me make a small landscape of the area i visited. one cannot copy nature but a small live replica was better than a photograph. the landscape has a narrow road as in the hills,a small dam , a valley, a dam,and a lot of trees and plants which will grow with time and make it more attractive n beautiful. i will be adding a small village in the valley after the mud sets in. this open terrarium is set in a small pot of 2'x1'.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rock garden

Rock garden is a closed terrarium.This was created to show the beauty of a wild rocky terrain with a water flowing through it. i made this terrarium with the students of Horizon academy ,nashik and  after explaining to them the working of nature and way it rains in nature , the children developed it further with their science teachers.This model was recently exhibited at a science competition by the children and they explained the ecosys to the visitors. This exhibit won them the 2nd prize in the competition.these terrariums are self sustaining and need very little maintenance.


This is my first open terrarium which depicts a small hillock with a jade tree and a small shack.Overlooking a rocky terrain.A couple have been put on a swing enjoying the pleasant atmosphere.A lot a greenery is being planted and will look more green as the plants grow.The terrarium has been positioned in a French window where it will receive maximum sunlight. 

Nasik terrarium

We could teach ecosystem to children trough this medium i have landscaped a forest,a damn,a farm with farm house,a terrace farm,a hill,a restaurant on the hill ...and since this landscape is in the glass case there is transparency in observing this situation.And one can also understand geology through the glass case.To make it to more live I have put some farmers ploughing the field,some farm animals like cow horse,etc.A Shepard on the slope of the hill with his dog , sheep and goats.A cheetah and deer in the forest area.A trekker climbing up the hill.
This project was aired by IBM lokmat ,a Network18 channel in Marathi on the 26th of Jan 2010 under the subject sharing my knowledge with children.